Friendly Service

Bracken, Texas Location
18392 Bracken Dr.
Bracken, Texas 78266
PH: 210 651 5815
FAX: 210 651 6028
Chuck Wallen, Manager
Bracken Store
Mon.-Fri.: 8am -6pm
Sat.: 8am – Noon
Closed Sunday
Serving Bracken
Do you have a racehorse? Do you have a horse you like to think of as a racehorse, or retired thoroughbred you enjoy taking care of? We have everything you need to keep that horse in great condition, the best selection of top quality horseshoes and farrier tools & supplies of any store in the area, just ask the jockeys at the track, they’ll tell you we’re the place to shop.
And if you’re a bird watcher, we have a great selection of birdseed year-round that caters to specific breeds as well as to wild birds in general. And on your way up to the register, be sure to have a look at our great line of jellies sauces honey and candy, most made right here in Texas!

Bracken, Texas Location
18392 Bracken Dr.
Bracken, Texas 78266
PH: 210 651 5815
FAX: 210 651 6028
Chuck Wallen, Manager
Bracken Store
Mon.-Fri.: 8am -6pm
Sat.: 8am – Noon
Closed Sunday
Serving Bracken

★Early March is known for songbird migration, and the last stop on the trip for many is right here in South Texas, that means we’re about to see a lot of cheerful Chickadees, Titmice, Robin Red Breast, Red Finch, crazy woodpeckers, hummingbirds, Rock Wrens, and of course, Mockingbirds. If you’re an old pro at wild bird hospitality, or just starting out in the wonderful hobby of birding, you’ll be happy to see that everything you need is right here, species and type specific bird seeds, made right here in Texas, all different kinds of feeders, including hummingbird feeders, and plenty of advice if you’re a beginner.
★And here’s a tip: some birds prefer seeds over insects, and vice versa. For example, hey chickadee or a red finch Will prefer a seed mix, wow if you want to attract mockingbirds and robin red breast, you’ll want to put out one of our Texas made insect blends. With this combined strategy, you’ll have both orders of birds with all of their colorful cousins coming back again and again.
★It’s also time to start getting those garden beds potted plants that have had a long winters nap ready for a big spring. You might not know it, but we have a complete lineup for those of you who want to go organic for this. Fox Farm products are very highly recommended, and are ready to go, no fuss, no trouble to get going. We carry the core of these products every day. And if you’re short on containers for your favorite crop, we carry bags of Foxfarm Coco Bop soil that can simply be opened, plants or seeds added, and holes poked in the bottom for drainage. This way you can put your container garden together in a matter of an hour or two, add water, sit back, and get ready for good results.
And if you want to go organic on feeding your horses, what We’ve got just the thing, let us have you come look at our premium, non-GMO, organic alfalfa. Chaffhaye Alfalfa is a high-fiber forage and excellent source of protein. As fed from the bag, it contains 9% protein. The higher digestibility of Chaffhaye makes it especially ideal for young or growing animals, gestating mares, lactating mares, senior horses, working horses, as well as show and performance horses.
★Last but not least, we’ve got baby chicks to get you on the road toward egg production, and whether you’re an old pro or just getting started, we’ve got everything you need for feeding, preventative maintenance, health incidentals and comfort for your flock.
We hope the cold weather didn’t bother y’all too much this year, and there’s some signs of new life around your place. All of us here at the store are looking forward to seeing you again, let’s get going to set the stage for another fine spring right here in Texas.
A Complete Suite of Organic Growing Products
Big Guns for the Bugs and Weeds

How Can We Help?
Drop us a line and we’ll holler back!
Take the Tour
The farm, ranch, hardware, livestock and other items we keep in stock every day are sure to meet your needs, and we can provide all in quantity, as well as special order any other items. Take a tour of our store, and if you see anything you like, come in and have a look, and if we missed anything, come in anyway, and will put an order in for whatever you like and have it in no time!