Friendly Service

Somerset, Texas Location
20065 Somerset Rd.
Somerset, Texas 78069
PH: 210 622 3862 [‘Metro’]
PH: 830 429 3551 [‘Local’]
FAX: 210 830 429 3135
Rene Perez, Manager
Somerset Store
Mon.-Fri.: 8am – 6pm
Sat.: 8am – 1pm
Closed Sunday
Serving Somerset
We know Somerset farmers and ranchers, because we’re in the business too, most of our employees have animals and land they take care of themselves, and know just what it takes to get by season after season down here in Somerset.

Somerset, Texas Location
20065 Somerset Rd.
Somerset, Texas 78069
PH: 210 622 3862 [‘Metro’]
PH: 830 429 3551 [‘Local’]
FAX: 210 830 429 3135
Rene Perez, Manager
Somerset Store
Mon.-Fri.: 8am – 6pm
Sat.: 8am – 1pm
Closed Sunday
Serving Somerset

★Hard to believe that it’s already Springtime again down here at Somerset, fine days, cool nights, and fair weather, just the time for getting everything ready for the hot weather. Now is the time to address any concerns that you might have with lawn maintenance equipment, pest control, questions about how your chickens and livestock are going to keep, and what vaccines you’ll need to stay on schedule with your dogs.
We know how you do business at your operation, and we’ve got everything you need to keep it running the way you want. We’ve stocked up special with mower blades to fit all the popular models, lawnmower batteries, oil filters, spare tires, inner tubes, and of course, spark plugs. See us first for any items related to this lineup, and you won’t have to shop again this year.
★And its likely you’re beginning to have some unwelcome guests cramping your style in your lawn and garden and pasture. We’ve got a full lineup of pest control for indoor and outdoor use that is specific to this area, so there’s no guesswork, and you’ll get good results. Your shopping list for these items is right here on the site. We can get you squared away to take care of fire ants, aphids, flies, you name it. And if you have any questions, we are here to help, because we live here too!
★If you’re an old pro at raising chickens, you may need to do some repairs on your coops, or some of you may even need to replace one or two. We’ve got all the supplies you’ll ever need for maintaining your chicken coops, and of course, plenty of advice from people who know what they’re talking about. And if you’re just beginning, we have a wonderful poultry beginner kit that is sure to please.
●Crop and Pasture
✓APF 18-10-5 Crop and Pasture
✓APF 21-0-0 Lawn, Plant, Fruit and Vegetable
●Garden & General Purpose
✓APF 13-13-13 All purpose, Lawns, Tree and Shrub
✓APF 10-20-10 Strictly Garden
●Pasture and Lawn
✓APF 18-10-5 Sandy Soil, Pasture
✓APF 21-7-14, Slow Release Lawn, Late August
✓APF 15-5-10 w/2% Iron, going forward
✓Medina Growin’ Green
✓HastaGro Lawn
✓HastaGro Plant
We also keep plenty of feed for all your livestock and chickens, specific to lifecycle stage at this time of the year, and loaded with nutrition for good keeping. Our chick starter and layer feeds are superior, and we’ll give you a good result right down to making your favorite fried egg sandwich.
★Keep your cattle happy, comfortable and healthy with pest and parasite control with Co-Ral and Prolate. We also keep an ample supply of tough, long-lasting and reliable dust bags and cattle rubs if you’re short of any of these items as we get into the season where herd treatment is becoming so essential. And for your new calves we’ve got creep feed as well as good old Jupe Mills beef builder blends and range meal for growing your herd.
If you’ve got a top cow dog or just a best friend or growing puppies, you want to save every nickel you can, but still treat everybody right. Vaccinations are essential, and keeping on schedule is a must. We’ve got all our top canine vaccines listed right here to your left and a little bit down this page, with a printable shot record to keep track of everything. And of course, we’ve got hypodermic’s to go with it all, and advice on how to proceed if you’re not 100% sure, or just getting started with home veterinary care.
★And there’s still time to do some first class planting in your garden. Herbs, peppers and tomato plants make a fine addition to any garden, and are well-suited to our soils and local climate and water. Our seed selections are the best available, and our Bonnie Plant starters are pretty awesome too, and give good, consistent results for your dollar. We also have everything available for mitigating any pasts that may present themselves expecting to have a free lunch, as well as help you treat for all the unwanted plants that are specific to this time of the year, and do away with them safely without interfering with your food crops.
★And last but not least, we’d like to mention two items that will brighten up your life. Don’t forget to pick up a couple of our wonderful glass hummingbird feeders, as well as our highly recommended snake repellent to assure that children and pets are less apt to have trouble with the rattlesnakes we have now and again.
So come and see your friends and neighbors at the store, talk to us, tell us what you seen and heard, get what you need, and go back to your little corner of paradise to enjoy Spring down here at Somerset.
‘Must-Haves’ for Somerset
Top Up your Grocery List!
Nutrition for your Top Cowdog
Vaccinate, Worm and De-flea
Everything for Chickens
Spring Lawn & Garden Roundup
No more BUGS!
Complete Livestock Care
Keep everybody Fed & Watered!

How Can We Help?
Drop us a line and we’ll holler back!
Take the Tour
The farm, ranch, hardware, livestock and other items we keep in stock every day are sure to meet your needs, and we can provide all in quantity, as well as special order any other items. Take a tour of our store, and if you see anything you like, come in and have a look, and if we missed anything, come in anyway, and will put an order in for whatever you like and have it in no time!